Special. Delivery.
Written by: Colleen Lambros
4 Min Read
Published: August 12, 2020
Updated: March 29, 2023
The Current Crisis is Highlighting Why the Multifamily Industry is SPECIAL
In early March, as the country started to shut down in the hope of slowing the threat of the Coronavirus, I was sent to work from home. Like many Americans, I readily assumed this scenario would be short-term, lasting a couple of weeks at the most. As Parcel Pending’s leadership team settled into regular Zoom meetings and webinars, we all took guesses as to when things would be “back to normal”.
Needless to say, writing this in August, our outlook was far too idealistic. The optimism of mid-March was quickly replaced with uncertainty for so many, and we as a company found ourselves in an interesting position as both partners to and leaders in the multifamily industry.
The months leading up to the COVID crisis were spent hard at work on a new company brand and a campaign that we were really proud of. A campaign message that reflected our deep understanding of and relationship with our multifamily partners: each package is as important and special as the resident receiving it.
“Special Delivery” was born from the excitement and significance of receiving a package. Every package delivered to a resident represents something they want or something they need. Both are equally important. But the campaign was also designed to serve as a reflection of the special experiences and confidence that multifamily communities create for residents every single day. It was intended as a celebration of what makes the multifamily industry so uniquely special.
However, when COVID-19 began to sweep across the country, we did not feel that the campaign’s spirit of enthusiasm and optimism aligned with how our partners, customers, and industry were feeling; we made the decision to pause the campaign just before its launch.
Onsite Teams are Both SPECIAL and Essential
In my professional career, I’ve experienced three major crises and the impact they’ve had on the multifamily industry: 9/11, the 2008 financial crisis, and now a global pandemic. The pandemic is similar to other crises in terms of anxiety and economic uncertainty but, in stark contrast to previous crises, people were forced into their homes rather than out of them.
Residents’ homes became, immediately and simultaneously: the office, their child’s school, the gym, a restaurant, and a staycation destination. This drastic shift made the services and the experience that multifamily communities provide for residents even more important.
We also noticed that as the volume of packages delivered to our lockers increased so did the importance of package deliveries1. Online shopping went from convenient to essential overnight. New shoes were replaced with children’s school supplies, home office essentials, medicine, and groceries.
Over these past few months, property teams have had to quickly find new ways to serve residents under new health and safety benchmarks, with less staff, and fewer or closed amenities. During these past months, the role of onsite teams has never been more important.
Watching communities across the country step up to meet this challenge head-on and in spite of changing guidelines and restrictions has been truly inspiring, although not surprising. This is exactly what this industry does best, with onsite teams leading and serving even in the most challenging of times.
As we’ve adapted our offerings to better serve and mirror our multifamily partners’ needs during this time, “Special. Delivery” has begun to take on an even greater, more meaningful mission for our company.
Every Package is as SPECIAL as the Resident Receiving It
Every package that a resident receives right now is important, whether it’s a laptop for distance learning, supplies for the home office, or a care package from a loved one. And, if a resident is getting these packages from one of our lockers, it is more important than ever that this experience is reliable and safe.
“Special Delivery” is now more than just a promise to treat each delivery as important. It is a commitment to provide the very best experience for our multifamily partners, communities, and their residents. Because we understand the impact that our products have on residents’ day-to-day lives, “Special Delivery” is also a commitment to making every delivery a special and safe experience.
The multifamily industry has gone above and beyond to create a living environment that makes residents feel comfortable and safe. “Special Delivery” is our way of celebrating that and, more specifically, our multifamily partners.
- Parcel Pending. (2020, June 18). Multifamily Communities Should Expect Holiday-Level Package Volume Throughout 2020 Per Parcel Pending [Press Release]. Retrieved from: /en-us/blog/multifamily-communities-should-expect-holiday-level-package-volume-throughout-2020-per-parcel-pending/