Your Residents Deserve the Best
Parcel Pending Lockers offer secure, self-service package delivery for residents – no scheduling or waiting hours or days for deliveries. Plus, lockers can increase resident retention by as much as 40%. Give them the convenience of 24/7/365 package delivery and pickup with smart parcel lockers.

Blog: The Challenges of an Analog Solution in Today’s Digital World
In today’s digital world, consumers have an endless number of personalized services available at the push of a button. With this reality comes a significant shift in consumer expectations.

Off-Site Delivery Service Reviews

Parcel Pending Delivers For You and Your Residents
“[Parcel Pending] is a great amenity for our residents, with 24-hour access on their time.”
Melanie Adams
Senior Vice President of Construction, Knightvest Residential
“At our previous apartment, packages were delivered to our door – which is wonderful, UNTIL THE PACKAGES ARE STOLEN! The security of Parcel Pending lockers is a cherished amenity at our new apartment. We are able to see exactly when our packages are delivered and we know they are safe until we are ready to pick them up.”
Leslie C.
Resident in Tacoma, WA

Article: The Real Story of Off-Site Package Management
As multifamily communities work to facilitate continued increases in package delivery volume, many are looking for new solutions to ease the operational burden of package management. However, while off-site delivery services sell property managers on the promise of a cost-effective, infinitely scalable, “hands-off” package management solution, in reality, this promise is only half true. But don’t just take our word for it. Read our latest piece to find out why residents prefer parcel lockers over the experience afforded by off-site delivery services.

eBook: The False Promise of Off-Site Delivery Services
As multifamily communities have worked to serve the increase in package delivery volume, some have looked to off-site delivery services to ease the operational burden of package management. Find out the pitfalls of these services and why they can end up costing you more in time and money.

Ready to learn more? Lock in your solution today.